News |
BMCC Community Invited to Participate in Presidential Search Open Forum, January 28
The search process for BMCC’s next president has officially begun. As part of this process, the CUNY Board of Trustees is encouraging all BMCC students, faculty and staff to participate in an open forum on January 28, from 2:15 to 3:15 p.m., in Room N-453, at 199 Chambers Street. This meeting is an opportunity for you to provide input on the qualities the next BMCC president should demonstrate, and any college-wide issues that could inform the search for the new BMCC president. Individuals who are unable to attend the open forum, can also provide input through an online survey. Questions regarding the BMCC Presidential Search process can be sent to Doug Israel, campus liaison, at disrael@bmcc.cuny.edu. |
Winter Convocation Explores Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Engagement
BMCC hosted the 2020 Winter Convocation on January 22 at 199 Chambers Street. This year’s theme centered on Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Engagement (CRSE). BMCC Interim President Karrin E. Wilks welcomed the group to Theatre One and noted that building a strategy to consistently deliver culturally-responsive lessons will help to engage BMCC students by positioning diversity as a strength. The event’s keynote speaker was David E. Kirkland, executive director of The New York University (NYU) Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and The Transformation of Schools. “Most paradigms in education have not been designed in response to the needs of these needs of these vulnerable learners,” Kirkland said. “Here at BMCC, you’re tasked with educating the most vulnerable, who may have not had their needs met in their past educational experiences.” Featured guest Kirsten Grant, Clinical Professor of Chemistry at Hunter College, closed out the speaker program with a talk on Implicit Bias.
Unique Sector Partnership Propels Upper Manhattan Residents Into Hospitality Careers
Created through a unique sector partnership — MEOC, the developers Exact Capital and the Lam Group; the Real Hospitality Group, which works with the Marriott Hotel, and UMEZ (Upper Manhattan Empowerment Zone) — a Hospitality Program set for Spring 2020 will provide participants with computer skills, academic support and a ManageFirst-Customer Service and Food Handler’s License, according to MEOC Executive Director Anthony Watson. (L-R: MEOC Exec. Director Anthony Watson, BMCC Interim President Karrin E. Wilks, U.S. Representative Adriano Espaillat, UMEZ CEO Blair Duncan)
Transitions and Transactions V: Teaching Literature Among the Arts Conference, April 24-25
BMCC is hosting the Transitions and Transactions V: “Teaching Literature Among the Arts” conference April 24-25 at 199 Chambers Street. Register Now! Nearly 10 years after the first Transactions and Transitions conference, BMCC is pleased to invite professors from across CUNY and beyond to continue this discussion uniquely dedicated to the teaching of literature in community colleges. This year’s theme, “Teaching Literature Among the Arts,” was suggested by past conference presentations, dialogue with colleagues and classroom practices. This year’s keynote speakers are Dawn Lundy Martin; a poet, essayist, and conceptual video artist, and Will Alexander; a poet, novelist, playwright, essayist, aphorist, visual artist and pianist now writing his 40th book. |
Welcome Back Super Fair
BMCC students are invited to the Welcome Back Super Fair, scheduled from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., January 29, in Richard Harris Terrace, located at 199 Chambers Street. This event invites new, transfer and current BMCC students to learn about the variety of resources, services, majors and opportunities available at the college. Students will have the opportunity to explore more than 50 majors and career paths; learn about student support programs, student clubs and activities, and be eligible to win prizes for visiting tables and asking questions. For more information, contact Joseph Ginese in New Student Programs at jginese@bmcc.cuny.edu or at Ext. 8121 or stop by Room S-136. |
Announcements |
Submit your BALLOT for the 2019-2020 Employee Appreciation Awards
BMCC students, faculty and staff, show your appreciation for staff (non-faculty) members who demonstrate outstanding achievement, performance and creative contributions through their role at BMCC, beyond what is normally expected of employees. SUBMIT ONE nomination in each category: Leadership, Inspiration, Innovation/ Technology, Rookie of the Year and Team Achievement. Employees have one chance to submit their ballot. Make it count by filling in a thoughtful, detailed nomination by no later than May 1. |
Free Tax Preparation Available to BMCC Community
BMCC students, faculty and staff who have a pre-tax household income at or below $64,000 can take advantage of FREE tax preparation at BMCC. Walk-in services are offered at 199 Chambers Street, Room S-230 now through April 15 from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays; from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Fridays; and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. This service is provided with support from Citigroup in collaboration with BMCC Single Stop. For more information visit online or call (212) 220-8195. |
Students: Apply for NSF Research Opportunity by March 1
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at BMCC offers paid summer internships for qualified undergraduate students to conduct biology research projects with BMCC scientists. Funded by the NSF, the program offers BMCC and non-BMCC students the opportunity to research the bioactivity of natural products at different biological levels of organization; for example, the potential antioxidant capacity of natural plant products; the effects of natural extracts on growth and development of organisms; the regulation of genes involved in cellular differentiation; the potential protective effects on mammalian cells, and the use of plant polymers in the removal of heavy metals. Students will receive a $4,600 stipend, a housing allowance of $1,200, a MetroCard and daily meals. Spaces are limited. APPLY NOW! |
Website Directory Listings
Faculty, staff and students, please note that BMCC Directory content is generated through CUNYfirst. Staff members are listed by divisions and departments defined by CUNY. If there is a change in an employee’s status (for example, left BMCC or changed departments), please contact BMCC Human Resources to confirm the information has been entered in CUNYfirst. If it still is not appearing in the directory, contact the Service Desk, servicedesk@bmcc.cuny.edu.
CUNY in the Heights Expansion Improves Learning Environment
BMCC at CUNY in the Heights, 5030 Broadway between 213th and 214th Streets in Manhattan, will be closed for renovations to improve classroom spaces, technology and accessibility for students while adding 15,000 square feet and doubling the number of classrooms. Also, new courses will be offered through BMCC, the Manhattan Educational Opportunity Center and BMCC’s Center for Continuing Education and Workforce Development. Visit BMCC Off-site Programs to learn about course offerings at 199 Chambers Street and Off-site Programs. Students can speak with an advisor at (212) 220-8315 or eadvisement@bmcc.cuny.edu. |
Is Your Department Interested in Hiring a Work-Study Student?
Many BMCC students are employed part-time on campus through the Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program. This helps cover their educational expenses, removes the cost and time of commuting for an off-campus job and provides experience in students' field of interest. If your department is interested in hiring FWS students, please complete and return the FWS Rights & Responsibilities form. For more information, contact Melissa Jardine, mjardine@bmcc.cuny.edu. |
Promote Your Events on the BMCC Web Calendar and Social Media
A friendly reminder: If your department, office or unit is hosting a campus event, make sure to include it in the BMCC web calendar. The calendar listing will enable you to promote your event to members of the on-campus community and beyond. Don’t forget to share your event listing on your social media using the hashtag: #BMCC. The Office of Public Affairs is available to assist with placing your events on the BMCC web calendar and promoting them effectively through social media. Contact the Office of Public Affairs at publicaffairs@bmcc.cuny.edu or (212) 346-8501 for assistance. |
Campus Planning and Facilities |
Elevator Programming Changes at Fiterman Hall
To improve the BMCC experience and in response to occupant feedback, the Fiterman Hall elevator banks perform as follows:
Open stairs and escalators: Lower level and floors 2, 3, 4. Mid-Rise bank elevators: Floors 5, 6, 7, 8. High-Rise bank elevators: Floors 9, 10, 11, 12. Elevators for people with disabilities stop at all floors. |
Report Non-Emergency Building Needs Through Archibus Work Order System
Individuals selected as their department's Archibus Work Order liaison can quickly alert the BMCC Buildings and Grounds team to non-emergency building needs ranging from a light bulb that needs replacing to equipment malfunctions. To report an emergency, call (212) 220-8025, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. After business hours, call Public Safety, (212) 220-8080. To report hazardous conditions after 5 p.m., call the engineer on duty, (212) 220-8034. If you have questions or concerns, contact Buildings and Grounds, b&g@bmcc.cuny.edu, subject line: “Archibus Work Order System.” Plaza Reconstruction Project Update
As part of the Plaza Reconstruction project at BMCC, abatement of hazardous materials in the underlayer of the existing pavers will be performed and notifications posted on all building entrances. This activity is regulated by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, which ensures safe, proper removal of these materials. For more information, contact Eric Lugo at elugo@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Bathroom Renovation Now Complete
January 13 marked the completion of a critical capital project. All bathrooms on the south end of 199 Chambers Street are now open, culminating efforts led by the BMCC Office of Buildings and Grounds in conjunction with CUNY and their construction/design team. The bathrooms were renovated in compliance with ADA requirements and to improve their functionality and aesthetics. We recognize that renovations can inconvenience the campus community and appreciate your understanding as we continue to improve our facilities. |
Enrollment |
New Student In-Person Advisement and Registration: January 13-24
Enrollment Services staff are excited to welcome new BMCC students and help ensure their enrollment for Spring 2020. Advisement and Registration is Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students will check in at Theatre 1, 199 Chambers Street. Note: College Closed on Monday, January 20. For more information, contact Academic Advisement at 199 Chambers Street, Room S-108 or call (212) 220-8315.
There’s Still Time For Continuing Students to Register for Spring 2020
Please encourage students to continue on their path to success and register for Spring 2020. Things to know: All students must meet with their advisor before registering. Students can register on CUNYfirst or visit Lab Services at 199 Chambers Street, Room S-114. Advisement is also available via Skype and email. For more information, visit the Registration page, contact Academic Advisement at 199 Chambers Street, Room S-108, call (212) 220-8315 or email eadvisement@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Federal Student Aid and Other Financial Assistance Available
If you know a student who is delaying registration because of tuition concerns, please share these options: 1) Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Apply now to maximize the amount of money received. 2) Visit the Panther Station in Room S-225 to speak with a financial aid specialist. 3) Apply for a scholarship. 4) Contact the Center for Career Development for job placement assistance at 199 Chambers Street, Room S-342, career@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Admissions and Financial Aid Info Sessions
Prospective students are invited to attend information sessions for an overview of BMCC and the admissions and financial aid process. They can also take part in a Q & A with admissions and financial aid specialists. For more information, contact the Admissions Office, (212) 220-1265.
Say Hello to the Admissions Office on Social Media
We appreciate your likes, follows and thumbs up.
Facebook: @bmccadmissions; Twitter: @bmccadmissions; Instagram: @bmccadmissions; Snapchat:@explorebmcc
A Few Important Dates:
January 24: |
Last Day for In Person Registration |
January 25: |
Family GPS Orientation |
January 26: |
Last day to apply for ePermit |
January 26: |
Last day to drop with 100% tuition refund |
January 27: |
Classes begin |
January 27: |
Fee of $18 is charged per day for adding or swapping classes once the semester begins |
January 27: |
Fee of $25 is charged for late registration |
Making Headlines |
Political Science Professor Heather James co-writes op-ed
January 22—The Hill |
Human Resources |
BMCC Employees Must Complete Esparc Training by May 15
All BMCC faculty and staff are required to complete the mandatory annual 2019-2020 academic year ESPARC training by May 15, 2020. To complete the test, log into Blackboard. The ESPARC training module is located under the MY Organizations Tab on the right-hand side of the Blackboard page. For more detailed instructions, click here. For more information, contact Lori Mazzola (lmazzola@bmcc.cuny.edu) or Maria Deckinger (mdeckinger@bmcc.cuny.edu).
Work Well NYC Toning and Conditioning Classes are Back
Faculty and staff can participate in Work Well NYC toning and conditioning classes January 27 through March 23 from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. in the BMCC gym at 199 Chambers Street. For more information, contact Lori Mazzola at lmazzola@bmcc.cuny.edu.
BMCC Staff Invited to Weight Watchers Meetings
BMCC faculty and staff are invited to attend a no obligation Weight Watchers meeting on January 27 or February 3. Those who join Weight Watchers and then attend four subsequent meetings will be entered into a raffle. The meetings will be held in Room S-341 from 2 until 2:30 p.m. Employees can join Weight Watchers at nyc.join.weightwatchers.com Employer ID: 11612222. Join WW by 1/31/20, and WW will send you a Kick Start Kit! Visit Kick Start Kit to redeem your gift! For additional information, contact Lori Mazzola (lmazzola@bmcc.cuny.edu)
Office of Payroll Administration of NYC Provides W-2 2019 Information
The Office of Payroll Administration NYC provides a W-2 Quick Reference Guide and other information for CUNY employees.
CUNY Employees: Mandatory Annual E-SPARC for the 2019-2020 Academic Year
In compliance with New York State law, all full- and part-time CUNY employees, even those who completed an in-person training, must complete an annual online Employee Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (E-SPARC). Please log into CUNY Blackboard to complete the course. Make sure to disable pop-up blockers and use a Firefox or Google Chrome browser when taking the training. For more information, contact Maria Deckinger, mdeckinger@bmcc.cuny.edu or Loriann Mazzola, lmazzola@bmcc.cuny.edu. |
Transitioning to Retirement? Seminars and Videos Help Clarify Health Benefits
BMCC employees planning for retirement are invited to view Transitioning to Retiree Health Benefits videos, Part One and Part Two.
Alumni and Donors |
Support Memorial Funds
Last academic year, BMCC lost two beloved colleagues — Sadie Bragg, retired Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Scott Anderson, retired Vice President for Administration and Finance.
To commemorate their deep and passionate commitment to BMCC, we have established memorial funds to raise money in support of naming opportunities of areas located on the BMCC campus. Make a donation today online and select a memorial fund under the “Designation” option. THANK YOU for your support! |
Charitable Giving Through an IRA Donors at least 70½ years old can take advantage of a simple way to satisfy minimum required distribution and benefit BMCC students at the same time. Donate up to $100,000 from an IRA directly to the BMCC Foundation without having to pay federal income taxes. Please contact Phillip Keefe, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, (212) 346-8650 or pkeefe@bmcc.cuny.edu for additional information.
Alumni Invited to Connect and Network BMCC Alumni Affairs provides alumni benefits and services, as well as involving alumni in the advancement and support of BMCC. Alumni are invited to special events, profiled in BMCC publications and welcomed into the vibrant community that is BMCC. For more information, contact Yaritza Gonzalez, Manager of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund, (212) 346-8455 or ygonzalez@bmcc.cuny.edu |
Make a Difference in Students’ Lives: Faculty and Staff Campaign The faculty and staff of BMCC support our students in countless ways, every single day. That support includes contributing to the BMCC Foundation Scholarship Fund. Your support of the Faculty and Staff Campaign makes a significant difference in our students’ lives. There are three easy ways to give: Make a donation online.
- Text your donation to BMCC at (646) 876-2622.
- Send your check, payable to the BMCC Foundation, via interoffice mail to the Office of College Development, F-1330. (Please note, you can designate your donation to your department).
Calendar |
 BMCC Downtown Chorus Auditions
January 23 and 27
Continuing Education Open House
January 28
Study Abroad and Scholarships Information Session
January 31
TPAC Presents: Pete the Cat
February 22
TPAC Presents: MIXCLA + 1
February 22
Panther Pride |
BMCC Baseball Tryouts
Malik Bentinck’s Tenth Straight Double-Double Propels Men’s Basketball To Victory, 74-49
Panthers Fall to Dutchess Community College, 54-38
Men’s Basketball Blows Out Dutchess Community College Behind an Incredible First Half Effort, 85-52
Terrance McBride’s Block At The Horn Lifts Men’s Basketball Past ASA Manhattan, 82-81
Women’s Basketball, Upcoming Games
Jan. 23—BMCC vs. Suffolk Community College (Selden N.Y.)
Jan. 25—BMCC vs. Hostos Community College (BMCC gym)
Jan. 28—BMCC vs. Bronx Community College (Bronx)
Men’s Basketball, Upcoming Games
Jan. 23—BMCC vs. Suffolk Community College (Selden N.Y.)
Jan. 25—BMCC vs. Hostos Community College (BMCC gym)
Jan. 28—BMCC vs. Bronx Community College (Bronx) |
Connect with BMCC |
@BMCC is produced and published by the Office of Public Affairs. Faculty and staff: Submit items for consideration in an upcoming @BMCC to publicaffairs@bmcc.cuny.edu by 12 noon, Wednesday. |
Borough of Manhattan Community College Office of Public Affairs 245 Greenwich Street (212) 346-8501