News |
BMCC Community,
We are deeply saddened by and utterly condemn the horrific wave of bombings that took place in Sri Lanka this past Sunday, claiming the lives of more than 300 people, and injuring more than 500. The victims of this senseless tragedy were worshippers attending Easter church services, tourists and business travelers at their hotels. Our deepest condolences and prayers are with the people of Sri Lanka, and the families and loved ones of the victims.
I encourage any BMCC student who needs support during the aftermath of these attacks to stop by the Counseling Center in Room S-343 at 199 Chambers Street. Faculty and staff can reach out for free counseling and services through Deer Oaks EAP Services.
Again we join the voices from around the world repudiating violence, hatred and extremism of all kinds. We affirm our commitment to ensuring a safe and welcoming community in which everyone belongs. I am proud to witness the message of acceptance, and commitment to justice that our faculty, staff and students are sending through their actions inside and outside the classroom.
Thank you for your commitment and contributions to creating a community in which all members can thrive.
Karrin E. Wilks
Interim President
Borough of Manhattan Community College
|  Karrin E. Wilks |
Professors Recognized for Unique Contributions to Student Learning
The BMCC Distinguished Teaching Award honorees for 2019 are Jose A. Fernandez Romero, Assistant Professor, Science; Chris McCarthy, Associate Professor, Mathematics; Kathleen Offenholley, Professor, Math; Rifat Salam, Associate Professor, Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice, and Sam Sloves, Adjunct Professor, Media Arts and Technology. The winners and finalists will be celebrated at a reception in the Shirley Fiterman Art Center, 81 Barclay Street, on April 30 at 4 p.m., and all members of the BMCC community are invited to attend.
Medellin Selected for NCCHC Fellows Program
The National Community College Hispanic Council (NCCHC) has selected Christopher Medellin, BMCC Director of E-Learning, as a member of the 2019 NCCHC Fellows Program. Medellin is one of 24 representatives from community colleges from around the country, who will be participating in the NCCHC Fellows Program and Leadership Symposium designed to cultivate and prepare Latinos for leadership roles in community colleges. The symposium is scheduled September 12-14, 2019 in Scottsdale, Arizona. |
Save the Date: 2019 BMCC Foundation Gala May 16
The BMCC Foundation 2019 Gala — Invest in a Future, Celebrate Success — is scheduled for May 16 at Cipriani, 25 Broadway in lower Manhattan. This year's honorees are Tim Gokey, President and CEO of Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc., and the Herbert and Audrey Rosenfield Fund. Special guest artist honoree is Ashley Bouder, Founder and Director, The Ashley Bouder Project and Principal Dancer, New York City Ballet. The Foundation is also celebrating the 20th anniversary of BMCC’s Out in Two Program with recognition of its visionary founder and former BMCC President, Dr. Antonio Pérez. The emcee is Baruch Shemtov of Fox 5 News. For more information, contact Tracie Basch at (646) 483-8018 or tracie@baschproductions.com.
BMCC Hosts 54th Commencement: May 31
On May 31, BMCC's 54th commencement will present two ceremonies at The Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden – one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. The 54th Commencement Presidential Medal honorees are Margaret Chin, Council member for the 1st District of the New York City Council (D) and Bill Fisse, Managing Director, Institutional Clients Group, Citi. The Morning Ceremony will feature Accounting, Business Management, Computer Information Systems, Teacher Education, English, Health Education, Mathematics, Media Arts and Technology, Science, Speech, Communications and Theatre Arts, Music and Art and Modern Languages majors. The Afternoon Ceremony will feature Liberal Arts, Allied Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice, and Nursing majors. For more information visit the BMCC website or call the Office of Student Affairs at (212) 220-8130. |
Announcements |
Fire Alarm Testing, April 19-26
BMCC will be conducting a fire alarm test across the college, during Spring Break (April 19-26). Public Safety will also be conducting tests on the campus-wide P.A. system with test announcements and notifications. These systems tests are being conducted for quality assurance and to ensure the safety of the BMCC community during emergencies. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. For more information, please contact BMCC Public Safety at (212) 220-8075.
Call for Volunteers: Commencement Production Assistants
BMCC staff members interested in serving as Production Assistants at the college's 54th Commencement Ceremonies on May 31 at The Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden are invited to RSVP online by April 26, selecting either a morning (8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.) or afternoon (1:30 to 6:30 p.m.) shift. Production Assistant meetings will be held at 199 Chambers Street in Room N-451 on May 14 at 10 a.m., and May 16 at 2 p.m. For more information, contact Katherine Bedoya, kbedoya@bmcc.cuny.edu. |
Emergency Funds Available to Students From Petrie Foundation
BMCC has received funds from the Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation to offer emergency grants to eligible students who are facing short-term emergencies. Please encourage students who can demonstrate need and who are facing an unexpected emergency to apply for the Petrie Grant. Applicants will be asked to complete certain requirements before they may be eligible to receive grant funding and all grant requests require documentation. While Petrie grants will not be given for tuition cost, college debts or legal representation, we encourage students to visit the Single Stop office to discuss their concerns. To find out more and to access the application, students may visit Single Stop online or stop by in Room S-230 at 199 Chambers Street.
BMCC Upgrades Charging Stations
BMCC has upgraded its charging stations at 199 Chambers Street to meet the needs of students, faculty and staff. As technology continues to evolve, more members of the BMCC community are highly dependent on communication by cell phones and tablets. BMCC’s upgraded charging stations have been placed at S-130A, N-450, N-430, N-466, N-480, S-530, S-533, N-561, N-580, N-598, S-613, N-662, N-679, N-698 and N-777. For more information, contact Information Resources and Technology, (212) 220-8360.
Save the Date: Service Awards Luncheon, June 12
Every year, BMCC honors civil service and classified staff employees in a luncheon recognizing years served. This year, the event will take place in Richard Harris Terrace at 199 Chambers Street. Stay tuned for details.
Guidelines for Posters and Flyers on Campus
The Office of Public Affairs consults with BMCC departments, offices, faculty and staff to promote events and initiatives in an effective manner, reaching audiences on multiple platforms. Learn how to maximize college resources including the @BMCC e-newsletter, TV monitors, BMCC calendar and social media.
Summer 2019 STEM Tuition Waiver
BMCC is offering tuition waivers to eligible students who enroll in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) courses in Summer 2019. To be eligible, a student must be matriculated at BMCC, a New York City resident, and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident at the time the waivers are applied. For more information visit the Academic Advisement and Transfer Center, Room S-108, 199 Chambers Street, or email advisementandtransfer@bmcc.cuny.edu.
BMCC Employee Appreciation Awards: Submit Ballots by April 30
Students, faculty and staff—show your appreciation for staff (non-faculty) members who demonstrate outstanding achievement, performance and creative contributions through their role at BMCC—beyond what is normally expected of employees. Fill out your ballot and submit ONE nomination in each category: Leadership, Inspiration, Innovation/Technology, Rookie of the Year and Team Achievement. You get ONE chance to submit your ballot—make it count by filling in a thoughtful, detailed nomination by no later than April 30. |
Faculty Invited to Participate in COACHE Job Satisfaction Survey
Full-time faculty are invited to participate in the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) job satisfaction survey. Data collected by COACHE gives voice to faculty about the successes and struggles of working in academia. By participating in the study, faculty will have an opportunity to share their perspective about working at BMCC and CUNY in a secure and confidential manner. Faculty will receive an email with a personalized link to the survey. For more information, visit the COACHE survey page.
Plaza Reconstruction Capital Project
As part of the upcoming Plaza Reconstruction project at BMCC, abatement of hazardous materials identified in the underlayment of the existing pavers will be performed at various phases of the construction project. This activity, which began January 21, is regulated by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, which ensures the safe and proper removal and disposal of these materials. Abatement notifications posted on all building entrances are part of these requirements and are there to inform the occupants of these activities. The required notices are not meant to alarm our building occupants, but to keep everyone informed that the work will be performed in a safe and regulated manner. We apologize for any inconvenience this upcoming construction may cause as we work to improve our facilities.
BMCC Website Faculty Pages Guide Available
The Office of Public Affairs has installed WordPress — a content management system which will make BMCC website use easier for faculty and staff — and is scheduling training sessions with liaisons from BMCC offices and departments on the use of this system. In addition, BMCC faculty can now access and update their Faculty Pages, using the Faculty Page Guide found on the BMCC Faculty and Staff Resource webpage. If you have questions, please call Manny Romero, Executive Director of Public Affairs, at (212) 220-1238. |
Data and Analytics |
Full-Time Freshmen Graduation Rates Improving Slightly
Three-year graduation rates among BMCC full-time freshmen have increased over the past few fall cohorts. More information on graduation can be found in the Enrollment, Retention, and Completion Report, starting at page 35. |
Enrollment |
Summer and Fall 2019 Registration Is Open
Please encourage students to continue on their path to success and register for the summer and fall 2019 semesters. All students must meet with their advisor before registering. Students can register on CUNYfirst or visit Lab Services in Room S-114.
A few important dates:
Continuing Students Priority Registration Deadline – May 15
Continuing Students Advisement Deadline – June 17
In-Person Registration – Week of August 12
First Day of Fall 2019 Classes – August 27
For more information, visit the Registration page, contact Academic Advisement in Room S-108 or call (212) 220-8315.
Admissions and Financial Aid Info Sessions
Prospective students are invited to attend information sessions for an overview of BMCC and the admissions and financial aid process. They can also take part in a Q & A with admissions and financial aid specialists. For more information, check the Admissions website, or contact the Admissions Office, (212) 220-1265.
Say Hello to the Admissions Office on Social Media
The BMCC Admissions Office has launched new social media accounts. Stop by online and say hi! We appreciate your likes, follows and thumbs up. Facebook: @bmccadmissions Twitter: @bmccadmissions Instagram: @bmccadmissions Snapchat:@explorebmcc |
Making Headlines |
BMCC donor: Fiterman family’s art collection profiled in magazine
April 25—Forbes
BMCC foundation champions student success at 2019 Gala
April 24—ForexTV, Yahoo Finance, Globe Newswire, AP Newswire, Fox40, Robin’s Post
Criminal justice major killed in gun accident
April 22—New York Daily News
BMCC Out in Two scholarship program helps students graduate on time
April 19—Globe Newswire
BMCC named one of 10 NYC spots that define Cardi B
April 19—AM New York
BMCC Early Childhood Center teacher and BMCC student comment on community college childcare service expansion
April 19—Mother.ly |
Human Resources |
Campus Peace Officer Exam Open Through April 30
The CUNY Civil Service exam for Campus Peace Office is open now through April 30. Candidates can file for the exam by going to the CUNY website or the Exams Xpress System.
Health Benefits Program Transfer: Through April 30
Now through April 30, you can enroll in or make changes to your BMCC employee health plan. These changes will be effect July 2019. To review plans and access the necessary forms, visit the New York City Office of Labor Relations, Health Benefits website. Please submit forms to the Office of Human Resources, 199 Chambers Street, Room S-717. For more information, contact Diana Lopez, dlopez@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Commuter Benefits Provider Is Changing, Meanwhile Some Actions Are Affected
The City of New York has changed its commuter benefits provider from WageWorks to Edenred Commuter Benefit Solutions. Edenred cards were mailed from April 17 - 19. Please verify your address within WageWorks. Log into your account or call (877) 924-3967, and provide your ID code, the last four digits of your reference number, located on employee paystubs. On June 30, WageWorks will close. Remaining WageWorks funds will be transferred to Edenred in August.
Meet With a TIAA Representative on Campus
Faculty and staff can schedule an appointment at BMCC with a representative from TIAA, now through June. For more information, call (800) 732-8353 or visit a session schedule. |
Mandatory Workplace Violence Prevention Training: Online or Classroom Sessions
All BMCC faculty and staff must complete an annual Workplace Violence Prevention Training by registering through CUNY Blackboard. Part-time employees must complete the course by the end of the Spring 2019 semester; full-time employees by July 31. For more information, contact Maria Deckinger, mdeckinger@bmcc.cuny.edu or (212) 220-1496.
Deer Oaks EAP Now Offers Phone and Video Counseling
As part of BMCC's Employee Assistance Program, Deer Oaks offers video and structured telephonic counseling in addition to traditional in-person counseling service. Employees can schedule calls with a counselor in advance by calling (855) 492-3633 or emailing eap@deeroaks.com.
Pre-Tax Limit for Wageworks Commuter Benefits Increased
The pre-tax limit for monthly Commuter Benefits deductions (WageWorks) increased from $260 to $265 on January 1. No paperwork is required to activate the increase, but those who wish to change their deduction or enroll in the program may visit the Benefits page of the BMCC Human Resources website, complete the WageWorks Transit Benefit form and submit it to Human Resources, 199 Chambers Street, Room S-717.
Enhance Your Skills Through CUNY Professional Development
The CUNY Professional Development and Learning Management (PDLM) Office presents the CUNY Professional Development Program now through June 19. BMCC faculty and staff can choose sessions ranging from data analytics to business writing and many others. Certificate programs are available. View catalogue and sign up now.
Alumni and Donors |
Charitable Giving Through an IRA
Donors at least 70½ years old can take advantage of a simple way to satisfy minimum required distribution and benefit BMCC students at the same time. Donate up to $100,000 from an IRA directly to the BMCC Foundation without having to pay federal income taxes. Please contact Phillip Keefe, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, (212) 346-8650 or pkeefe@bmcc.cuny.edu for additional information.
Alumni Invited to Connect and Network
BMCC Alumni Affairs provides alumni benefits and services, as well as involving alumni in the advancement and support of BMCC. Alumni are invited to special events, profiled in BMCC publications and welcomed into the vibrant community that is BMCC. For more information, contact Yaritza Gonzalez, Manager of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund, (212) 346-8455 or ygonzalez@bmcc.cuny.edu |
Make a Difference in Students’ Lives: Faculty and Staff Campaign
The faculty and staff of BMCC support our students in countless ways, every single day. That support includes contributing to the BMCC Foundation Scholarship Fund. Your support of the Faculty and Staff Campaign makes a significant difference in our students’ lives. There are three easy ways to give:
- Make a donation online.
- Text your donation to BMCC at (646) 876-2622.
- Send your check, payable to the BMCC Foundation, via interoffice mail to the Office of College Development, F-1330. (Please note, you can designate your donation to your department).
Calendar |
Entrepreneurship: Panther Tank Panel Pitching Workshop
April 26
Admissions and Financial Aid Session
April 27
Blood Drive: Help Save Lives
April 29
Teacher Education Career Fair
April 30
Panther Pride |
Make a Splash! Welcome to the Community Swim Program
The BMCC swimming pool has been renovated and is ready to welcome community swimmers, ages 18 and up. Lockers are available. Bring your own lock and towel. Entrances are at 199 Chambers Street and 77 Harrison Street. For fees and registration, contact the BMCC Athletic Department, (212) 220-8260 or the BMCC Center for Continuing Education and Workforce Development, (212) 346-8410.
Certified Lifeguards Needed
If you are interesting in becoming a lifeguard at the BMCC swimming pool this summer, email a resume to Senior Lifeguard Judith Gamboa, judjud125@gmail.com. Lifeguards are required to have American Red Cross certification, to be First Aid/AED/CPR certified. Experience is preferred.
Spring 2019 Recreation Schedule
BMCC students, faculty and staff with current college ID are eligible to use the BMCC Fitness Center and pool for free. BMCC alumni can enjoy the free facilities with a BMCC Alumni Card. In addition to fitness machines and a pool, the BMCC Fitness Center offers Zumba classes and activities including badminton, tennis, half-court basketball and more.
Men's Baseball
April 26: BMCC vs. Nassau Community College (PADAVAN-PRELLER COMPLEX)
April 27: BMCC vs. Nassau Community College (GARDEN CITY, NY)
April 30: BMCC vs. Monroe College (ROBERTO CLEMENTE PARK)
Connect with BMCC |
@BMCC is produced and published by the Office of Public Affairs.
Faculty and staff: Submit items for consideration in an upcoming @BMCC to publicaffairs@bmcc.cuny.edu by 12 noon, Wednesday. |
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Office of Public Affairs
245 Greenwich Street
(212) 346-8501