News |
Largest Number of Graduates in Five Years Participate in 2019 Commencement
Thousands of supporters cheered on more than 4,600 graduates during morning and afternoon BMCC Commencement ceremonies on May 31 at The Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden in Manhattan. CUNY Trustee Una S. T. Clarke told graduates "You will make a contribution in America and that contribution will help everyone, and everyone will know you went to BMCC." Sen. Chuck Schumer spoke during both ceremonies. Outside the theater, family and friends congratulated members of BMCC's Class of 2019.
BMCC Valedictorians Inspire Graduates
The BMCC Office of Academic Affairs chose two outstanding graduates as co-valedictorians for the 54th Commencement ceremonies.
Early Childhood Education major Dequan Gambrell spoke at the morning ceremony and Liberal Arts major Dorotea Levy de Szekely spoke in the afternoon. Gambrell and de Szekely presented inspirational speeches. Before the ceremony, both valedictorians shared their stories.
BMCC Employee Appreciation Awards, June 7—FOOD and FUN!
The BMCC Community is invited to the 2019 BMCC Employee Appreciation Awards ceremony and reception. The nominations are in and the winners will be announced on June 7 at 10:30 a.m. in Theater 1, 199 Chambers Street. Brunch will be served at 10:30 a.m. on the lower courtyard, followed by the awards presentation.
Announcements |
Save the Date: Civil Service Employee Recognition Day, June 12
The BMCC community is invited to a special luncheon in Richard Harris Terrace at 199 Chambers Street, to honor Civil Service Classified Staff who have served for 20 or more years. Seating is limited, so please RSVP by May 24 to Maria Deckinger, mdeckinger@bmcc.cuny.edu
Electrical Shutdown at 199 Chamber Street, June 7–June 8
On Friday, June 7 at 7 p.m. until Saturday June 8, at 7 a.m., an electrical shutdown is being held which will affect approximately half of the south building. This shutdown is related to the installation of the college’s new emergency generators. If anyone has any questions they can contact Eric Lugo, elugo@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Robotics Unplugged Workshop, June 25
In this workshop students will learn about robots, how they will change our society, and some of the ethical issues that surround them. Students will then work in groups to create a "sticky bot" or a prototype robot made from sticky notes. Come join us at BMCC! And design the ideal robot that will help with elder care, the environment, medical care, or even search and rescue missions! Students will also get the chance to share their robots and our ideas with the group. Groups will receive BMCC Swag and giveaways for participating. CIS Professor Mohammad Azhar will be the presenter. To RSVP, contact Josh Perez, josperez@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Workshops for Full-time and Adjunct Faculty: Create a Faculty Page
The Office of Public Affairs is helping BMCC faculty access and edit their faculty page on BMCC's WordPress platform. A photographer will be on hand to take headshots of faculty members. BMCC Librarian Jean Amaral will also provide information on how to enter faculty publications. Workshops are scheduled on June 12 from 3 to 4 p.m. or on June 18 from 3 to 4 p.m., both in Room S-510D (CETLS). Contact cetls@bmcc.cuny.edu to RSVP for a workshop. Also, BMCC faculty can also use the Faculty Page Guide found on the BMCC Faculty and Staff Resource webpage. If you have questions regarding the guide, please contact Cynthia Blayer, web content manager, (212) 346-8531.
Plaza Reconstruction Project Update
As part of the upcoming Plaza Reconstruction project at BMCC, abatement of hazardous materials identified in the underlayment of the existing pavers will be performed at various phases of the construction project. This activity, which began January 21, is regulated by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, which ensures the safe and proper removal and disposal of these materials. Abatement notifications posted on all building entrances are part of these requirements and are there to inform the occupants of these activities. The required notices are not meant to alarm our building occupants, but to keep everyone informed that the work will be performed in a safe and regulated manner. We apologize for any inconvenience this upcoming construction may cause as we work to improve our facilities. For more information, contact Eric Lugo at elugo@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Bathroom Renovation Update: Phase 5
BMCC has undertaken a comprehensive 26-bathroom renovation project at the Chambers Street building. The project’s focus is to provide greater accessibility, ventilation and temperature control systems. Upgrades include new stalls, floors, fixtures, ceilings and lighting. Renovations have been completed in the north side bathrooms, and those in the south side will be finished in Fall 2019. BMCC has begun Phase 5 (final phase) of renovations, affecting the restrooms located on the far south end of 199 Chambers Street Building, on all seven floors. For more information, contact Eric Lugo at elugo@bmcc.cuny.edu. |
Data and Analytics |
 Older Student Population at BMCC Growing
More than 25 percent of BMCC’s student population is 25 years old and older. And while CUNY's four year colleges have shown slight declines in the percentage of older students, BMCC's older population has increased slightly over the past few years. The above data is from the CUNY University Performance Management Process 2018-19 Data Book. This book contains comparative data on each CUNY institution, related to the performance goals laid out by CUNY for Access and Completion, College Readiness, Career Readiness, Knowledge Creation and Innovative Research, and the Funding Model for CUNY.
Enrollment |
Destination: BMCC Summer 2019 Open House on June 22
Do you have a family member or friend who is interested in going to college? Invite them to the BMCC Admissions Open House on Saturday, June 22 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Check in will be at 199 Chambers Street. This is an opportunity to tour the main campus and lower Manhattan, try out a mini-lesson with a professor, learn about academic programs, financial aid options, student services, success programs and how/when to apply. RSVP at www.bmcc.cuny.edu/openhouse. For more info, contact the Admissions Office at (212) 220-1265.
Summer and Fall 2019 Registration Is Open
Please encourage students to continue on their path to success and register for the summer and fall 2019 semesters. All students must meet with their advisor before registering. Students can register on CUNYfirst or visit Lab Services in Room S-114.
A few important dates:
Continuing Students Advisement Deadline — June 17
In-Person Registration — Week of August 12
First Day of Fall 2019 Classes — August 27
For more information, visit the Registration page, or visit Academic Advisement in Room S-108 or call (212) 220-8315.
Admissions and Financial Aid Info Sessions
Prospective students are invited to attend information sessions for an overview of BMCC and the admissions and financial aid process. They can also take part in a Q & A with Admissions and Financial Aid specialists. For more information, check the Admissions website, or contact the Admissions Office, (212) 220-1265.
Say Hello to the Admissions Office on Social Media
The BMCC Admissions Office has launched social media accounts. We appreciate your likes, follows and thumbs up. Facebook: @bmccadmissions Twitter: @bmccadmissions Instagram: @bmccadmissions Snapchat:@explorebmcc
Making Headlines |
Academic Literacy and Linguistics Professor Eldar Sarajlic publishes op-ed about becoming a parent
June 6—The New York Times
BMCC Valedictorians Featured in front page story
June 5—Tribeca Tribune
BMCC alumna featured in story about foster care mentors
June 4—Crain's
New city bill would require mayor's office to report on efforts to notify students, workers impacted by 9/11 dust
June 3—The Chief Leader
Despite financial aid, community college still to expensive for many low income students
June 4—Marketwatch
Grandmother realizes her dream of a college diploma at BMCC
June 1—CBS 2 News
BMCC alumnus Alex Paul's story of success in tech world featured
May 31— People
Margaret Chin Speaks at BMCC Commencement
May 31—Our Time Press
BMCC Gala Makes for Great Night
May 29—The Villager
Human Resources |
Travel and Entertainment Discounts Available Through Plum Benefits
BMCC has partnered with PlumBenefits to provide employees a travel and entertainment discount benefit. It’s cost-free and simple to enroll, and will provide access to savings on movies, hotels, shows, concerts, theme parks, sporting events and more.
Visit PlumBenefits and use BMCC company code "PLUM25770" or your work email to create an account.
Use Promocode: "10Welcome" to get an extra $10 discount on very purchase of $100. Valid through June 30th 2019.
Meet With a TIAA Representative on Campus
Faculty and staff can schedule an appointment at BMCC with a representative from TIAA, now through June. For more information, call (800) 732-8353 or visit a session schedule. |
Deer Oaks EAP Now Offers Phone and Video Counseling
As part of BMCC's Employee Assistance Program, Deer Oaks offers organizational training and skills development, crisis management, wellness services and other services including video, structured telephonic and in-person counseling services. Employees can schedule calls with a counselor in advance by calling (855) 492-3633 or emailing eap@deeroaks.com.
Pre-Tax Limit for Wageworks Commuter Benefits Increased
The pre-tax limit for monthly Commuter Benefits deductions (WageWorks) increased from $260 to $265 on January 1. No paperwork is required to activate the increase, but those who wish to change their deduction or enroll in the program may visit the Benefits page of the BMCC Human Resources website, complete the WageWorks Transit Benefit form and submit it to Human Resources, 199 Chambers Street, Room S-717.
Enhance Your Skills Through CUNY Professional Development
The CUNY Professional Development and Learning Management (PDLM) Office presents the CUNY Professional Development Program now through June 19. BMCC faculty and staff can choose sessions ranging from data analytics to business writing and many others. Certificate programs are available. View catalogue and sign up now.
Alumni and Donors |
Charitable Giving Through an IRA
Donors at least 70½ years old can take advantage of a simple way to satisfy minimum required distribution and benefit BMCC students at the same time. Donate up to $100,000 from an IRA directly to the BMCC Foundation without having to pay federal income taxes. Please contact Phillip Keefe, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, (212) 346-8650 or pkeefe@bmcc.cuny.edu for additional information.
Alumni Invited to Connect and Network
BMCC Alumni Affairs provides alumni benefits and services, as well as involving alumni in the advancement and support of BMCC. Alumni are invited to special events, profiled in BMCC publications and welcomed into the vibrant community that is BMCC. For more information, contact Yaritza Gonzalez, Manager of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund, (212) 346-8455 or ygonzalez@bmcc.cuny.edu |
Make a Difference in Students’ Lives: Faculty and Staff Campaign
The faculty and staff of BMCC support our students in countless ways, every single day. That support includes contributing to the BMCC Foundation Scholarship Fund. Your support of the Faculty and Staff Campaign makes a significant difference in our students’ lives. There are three easy ways to give: Make a donation online.
- Text your donation to BMCC at (646) 876-2622.
- Send your check, payable to the BMCC Foundation, via interoffice mail to the Office of College Development, F-1330. (Please note, you can designate your donation to your department).
Calendar |
Downtown Dance Factory recital
June 7
Art in Conversation: Panel discussion with Mimi Gross, Kate Prendergast, Susan Bee and Anne Monahan
June 7
BMCC Learning Academy Information Session
June 10
Panther Pride |
Make a Splash! Welcome to the Community Swim Program
The BMCC swimming pool has been renovated and is ready to welcome community swimmers, ages 18 and up. Lockers are available. Bring your own lock and towel. Entrances are at 199 Chambers Street and 77 Harrison Street. For fees and registration, contact the BMCC Athletic Department, (212) 220-8260 or the BMCC Center for Continuing Education and Workforce Development, (212) 346-8410. |
Certified Lifeguards Needed
If you are interesting in becoming a lifeguard at the BMCC swimming pool this summer, email a resume to Senior Lifeguard Judith Gamboa, judjud125@gmail.com. Lifeguards are required to have American Red Cross certification and be First Aid/AED/CPR certified. Experience is preferred.
Connect with BMCC |
@BMCC is produced and published by the Office of Public Affairs.
Faculty and staff: Submit items for consideration in an upcoming @BMCC to publicaffairs@bmcc.cuny.edu by 12 noon, Wednesday. |
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Office of Public Affairs
245 Greenwich Street
(212) 346-8501