News |
BMCC Introduces Ethnic Studies Associate Degree Program in Fall 2018
BMCC now offers an interdisciplinary Associate of Arts in Ethnic Studies program administered by the Center for Ethnic Studies. Graduates of the program will be on track to transfer to the Bachelors of Arts program in the Center for Latin American, Latino and Puerto Rican Studies at Lehman College.
President Pérez Honored by HETS
The Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS), a bilingual consortium of more than 40 higher education institutions in Puerto Rico, the United States and Latin America, recognized BMCC President Antonio Pérez for his years of service at its Board Meeting on July 12. Also at that meeting, President Pérez, who joined as a HETS Board Member in 1999, signed an articulation agreement with Southeast Missouri State University President Carlos Vargas-Aburto.
 BMCC Students Build Support for Veterans Facing Housing Allowance Cut
On July 12, BMCC alumnus Douglas Bravo and student veterans Kate Dorlan and Rodin Peguero, along with Douglas Israel, Director of Government and Community Relations, and Wilfred Cotto, Student Life Specialist for Veterans Services, met with Michael Burton in the office of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to discuss the recent decrease in the monthly housing allowance for student veterans, provided through the G.I. Bill. “Cuts to the student veterans’ housing allowance could impact their ability to pay rent and avoid homelessness—which would definitely impact on their ability to complete their degrees," said Bravo. "I’m hopeful that with our efforts at BMCC, as well as those of New York City and elected officials at the federal level, we’ll further the housing allowance conversation and bring positive change to Student Veterans nationwide," said Peguero, and Dorlan added, "Legislation affecting veterans won’t change without our speaking out. I’m excited to be part of the conversation and see where it will lead.” Shown above, L-R: Douglas Israel, Kate Dorlan, Michael Burton, Rodin Peguero, Douglas Bravo and Wilfred Cotto.
 Poetry, Paris and Study Abroad
On June 7 at the Maison de l'Amérique Latine in Paris, Professor Sophie Mariñez (pictured third from left) presented her latest book, Jacques Viau Renaud: J'essaie de vous parler de ma patrie (Montréal: Mémoire d'encrier, 2018), a translation into French of the poetry of Jacques Viau Renaud (Haiti-Dominican Republic, 1941-1965). Mariñez co-edited the book with translator and Medgar Evers Professor María-Luisa Ruiz. The event was attended by Ruiz's Study Abroad students, as well as Study Abroad students from BMCC, accompanied by Professor Rachel Corkle.
BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center Announces 2018-2019 Spotlight Season
BMCC TPAC presents musical events for the 2018-2019 Season, including performers Mario Giacalone, Bev Grant, Sonia De Los Santos, Alastair Moock, Gabriel Royal and the Brooklyn Women’s Chorus. Tickets are $21 for general admission and $11 for students and seniors. Call (212) 220-1460 or visit www.tribecapac.org. |
Announcements |
E-Learning and Blackboard Workshops and Consultations
All faculty are invited to sign up for free workshops or one-on-one E-Learning and Blackboard consultations through the BMCC E-Learning department. Workshops also include Google Docs Basics, Photoshop Basics and Intermediate, PowerPoint Videos and VoiceThread Basics. To register, visit the workshop calendar site.
Mental Health Training: July 26
BMCC faculty and staff can earn a three-year Mental Health First Aid certification through Thrive NYC, July 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Richard Harris Terrace, 199 Chambers Street. This course will help participants identify and respond to the signs of anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses. Space is limited. Please RSVP by July 20 to Professor Shirley Leyro, sleyro@bmcc.cuny.edu, who is organizing the training with Cicely Horsham-Brathwaite, Director, Counseling Center.
Free Summer Events and Trips for Summer 2018 Students
BMCC students enrolled in Summer 2018 classes can enjoy free outings organized by the BMCC Office of Student Activities (OSA). Participants are randomly selected through a lottery announced in their BMCC email. Trips range from a seeing a Mets game to visiting the Splish Splash Water Park. For more information, contact the OSA at (212) 220-8160 or osa@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Office of Public Safety Offers Resources and Services
The Office of Public Safety provides services and resources to ensure a safe, secure and comfortable learning environment at BMCC. Public Safety provides free C.P.R., A.E.D. and First Aid and Campus-Community Emergency Response Training for faculty, staff and students, and trains staff as campus fire wardens. Watch the video, Run. Hide. Fight.® to learn about surviving an active shooter event. To report a crime or emergency, call Public Safety at (212) 220-8080 or 911. Blue call boxes are located throughout the campus. |
CUNY IT Conference Proposals: Deadline September 17
The 17th Annual CUNY IT Conference is November 29 and 30 at John Jay College. BMCC faculty and staff are invited to submit proposals by September 17 at 5 p.m. for panels, presentations and workshops that explore using technology in higher education.
Enrollment |
Finish Friday: Fall 2018 New Student Enrollment Days
New students can find registration support from the Office of Enrollment Management on these Fridays: July 20, July 27, August 3 and August 10, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 199 Chambers Street, first floor. New students completing their enrollment checklist will meet with staff from Financial Aid, Testing, Admissions, Advisement, Registrar, Bursar, Health Services and IT who will assist them in successfully completing their Fall 2018 enrollment. For more information, contact the Advisement Center at (212) 220-8315.
Strategies to Help Pay for College
If you know a current student who is delaying registration because of tuition concerns, please share these options: 1) Free application for Federal Student Aid. Students should apply now to get the highest amount of money available. Need help? Contact the BMCC Financial Aid Office in Room N-365; (212) 220-1430 or email finaid@bmcc.cuny.edu. 2) Set up a Nelnet payment plan. Call (888) 470-6014 or contact the Bursar Office in Room S-330; bursar@bmcc.cuny.edu. 3) Contact the Center for Career Development for job placement assistance; Room S-342; career@bmcc.cuny.edu. 4) Apply for a scholarship.
Admissions and Financial Aid Info Sessions
Prospective students are invited to attend information sessions that provide an overview of BMCC, explain the admissions and financial aid process, and have a Q&A with admissions and financial aid specialists. For more information, contact the Admissions Office at (212) 220-1265, or click here.
Making Headlines |
BMCC efforts to combat food insecurity highlighted in feature article
July 18—Education Dive
BMCC articulation agreement with Southeast Missouri University featured
July 18—Southeast Missouri University Newswire, Southeast Missourian
BMCC staffer Cody Lyon publishes letter-to-editor on reopening of Emmett Till case
July 13—The New York Times
Army Corps of Engineers holds hearing at BMCC to discuss barriers to prevent coastal flooding
July 12—The Wave, The Architects Newspaper, WNYC
Former BMCC professor Antoinette Nwandu’s play Pass Over reviewed
July 5—New York Amsterdam News |
Human Resources |
Welcome to BMCC! Full-Time Hires, June 2018 Doris Cabaleiro, Security Operations Miguel Castro, Admissions Services Pradip Chattopadhyay, Security Operations Esteban Jimenez, Facility Maintenance Operations Mi Joa, Bursar Operations Kirill Kamynin, Facility Maintenance Operations Jeffrey Klemm, Office of Student Affairs Sharae Nobles, ASAP Jerome Perkins, Bursar Operations Ramon Vargas, Bursar Operations
PSC Members: Dental Benefits Open Enrollment
Guardian Dental has upgraded its in-network benefits regarding dental implants, oral surgery, crowns and orthodontics. Professional Staff Congress (PSC) members can switch from DeltaCare USA HMO (Delta) to Guardian Dental now through August 31 by sending this change-of-enrollment form to Diana Lopez, Benefits Officer, Room S-717 at 199 Chambers Street, or faxing it to (212) 220-2364. For more information, click HERE.
 Coffee Hour Q&A for College Assistants: July 25
Bring your coffee and College Assistant-related questions to meet with a Human Resources representative at 199 Chambers Street. Submit questions to Lori Mazzola, lmazzola@bmcc.cuny.edu, by 12 p.m. the Monday before the session, or bring them that day. CLICK HERE to select a 2-4 p.m. session in Room S-738 on July 25.
Summer Fridays Continue Through August 10
BMCC’s four-day summer work week is in effect through Friday, August 10. The College will be closed these remaining Fridays: July 20, July 27, August 3 and August 10. For more information, contact the BMCC Office of Human Resources, (212) 220-8300.
Deer Oaks EAP Provides Free Health and Financial Resources
The Deer Oaks Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. BMCC employees, their dependents and household members are eligible to access services such as family counseling, wellness support, workforce guidance and other resources at no cost. Contact Deer Oaks EAP Services at (855) 492-3633, or eap@deeroaks.com.
Health Benefits Seminars: Transitioning to Retirement
Employees transitioning to retirement, as well as those remaining active are encouraged to sign up for seminars with the City of New York Office of Labor Relations (OLR) Health Benefits Program at 40 Rector Street, 3rd Floor, in lower Manhattan. You can also watch a brief, Part One and Part Two video series on how health insurance changes for retirees.
Alumni and Donors |
 Dr. Sue Scholarship Fund Inspires Students to Excel
Professor of English Susan Horowitz has established the Dr. Sue Scholarship Fund. “I want to give our BMCC students the money and motivation to transform their lives," she says. "The money can solve immediate problems, while receiving a scholarship can motivate students to believe in their own potential.” Professor Horowitz, known as “Dr. Sue," is also a singer, songwriter, author and motivational speaker whose creative works include the family-friendly, original musical Cinderella SssWitch, which sends a message of hope. “In a similar way, I hope the Dr. Sue Scholarship will motivate our students to transform their lives,” she says. Phillip Keefe, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, explains that individuals at least seventy and a half years of age can donate their required minimum distribution directly from their IRA to the BMCC Foundation without incurring federal income taxes on their gift. For more information, contact Phillip Keefe at (212) 346-8650 or pkeefe@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Alumni Invited to Connect and Network
BMCC’s Alumni Affairs provides a channel for communication between the alumni and the College. Its goal is to establish and maintain an effective relationship between BMCC and its alumni body; to provide alumni benefits and services, and to involve alumni in the promotion, advancement and support of BMCC. For more information, contact Yaritza Gonzalez, Manager of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund, (212) 346-8455 or ygonzalez@bmcc.cuny.edu
Calendar |
College Discovery Info Session
July 24
Prep Session for CUNY Writing and Reading Assessment Test
July 26
Panther Pride |
Stay in Shape! Visit the Free BMCC Fitness Center
BMCC students, faculty and staff with current ID are welcome to use the free BMCC Fitness Center, which offers free weights as well as strength, resistance and cardiovascular equipment. Call for summer hours: (212) 220-8260. |
Connect with BMCC |

@BMCC is produced and published by the Office of Public Affairs.
Faculty and staff: Submit items for consideration in an upcoming @BMCC to publicaffairs@bmcc.cuny.edu by 12 noon, Wednesday. |
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Office of Public Affairs
245 Greenwich Street