News |
BMCC Research Team Offers Concrete Steps to Recruit and Retain Men in Early Childhood Education
In 2016, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported less than three percent of preschool and kindergarten teachers are men. Determined to raise that percentage, a team of teacher education professors at BMCC — Kirsten Cole, Jean Plaisir and Mindi Reich-Shapiro — has researched how to recruit and retain more men, especially those from underrepresented communities, into the field. In short, the team proposes concrete steps that range from mentoring, to offering a family-sustaining wage, to providing service learning opportunities to high school students interested in the field of Early Childhood Education (ECE).
International and UN Leaders Focused on the Global African Diaspora Meet at BMCC
Africa and the Global African Diaspora: An International Summit of Colleges, Universities and Ministers of Education took place at BMCC on September 24 in Theater 2 at 199 Chambers Street. Attorney Gary Bledsoe of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University, was master of ceremonies, and BMCC Associate Dean of Faculty Jim Berg gave welcome remarks, as did Associate Professor Reginald Hopkins, Virginia State University. The keynote speakers were Dominique Day, an attorney and member of the UN working group, Experts on People of African Descent, and Dr. Farid Muhammad, Chairman and CEO, Core Planning Group, Office of Historically Black College and Universities Development (CPG-OHBCUD)/International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM). The day-long event included panels and breakout sessions. Closing remarks were delivered by Assistant Secretary General Ahunna Eziakonwa, UN Development Programme (UNDP) Headquarters, Regional Bureau for Africa.
CUNY BMI Conference: Restorative Justice Education. We are ALL Justice Involved, October
The CUNY Black Male Initiative (BMI) and the BMCC Urban Male Leadership Academy present The Fourteenth Annual CUNY BMI conference, “Restorative Justice Education: We Are ALL Justice Involved,” October 1 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at 199 Chambers Street. The conference will address issues facing the re-entry community, and higher education transitioning strategies. The morning keynote speaker is renowned activist and advocate, Shaun King, and the afternoon keynote speaker is world-famous hip-hop artist and activist, Talib Kweli. Registration is free for CUNY and Department of Education students and employees, and registration is $100 for the general public. Learn more here.
Center for Career Development Hosts Fall Career Fair
The Center for Career Development hosted the Fall 2019 career fair September 25 in the gymnasium at 199 Chambers Street. More than 80 employers and around 900 BMCC students attended the fair. The employers came from a wide variety of sectors including accounting, advertising, arts, banking, biotech, engineering, government, health care, information technology, non-profit, and real estate among others. Each was recruiting for a variety of positions, including full-time, part-time, as well as internship opportunities. "Our career fairs provide a terrific opportunity for our students to meet with employers face-to-face to learn about the positions for which employers are recruiting, and to promote themselves in a direct and engaging way; it’s a chance for them to shine, make a personal connection, share with employers the skills and knowledge they are developing as students at BMCC, and land that interview for a competitive job or internship," said Christopher Thunberg, director, Center for Career Development.
BMCC TPAC Presents Ernest Turner Trio October 12
The BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center presents the Ernest Turner Trio on October 12 at 7:30 p.m. This is the first concert in the 2019-2020 Jazz in Progress series, featuring winners and finalists from the DC Jazz Festival’s DCJazzPrix emerging band competition. Upcoming performers will be MIXCLA +1 on February 22, 2020 and AmyAna on April 4, 2020. Tickets are $30 and $20 for students and seniors. Tickets can also be purchased by visiting BMCC/TPAC at or by visiting the box office at 199 Chambers Street, Tuesday through Saturday from 12 to 6 p.m. |
 Student Affairs Hosts Community Partner Breakfast
The BMCC Division of Student Affairs hosted its first Community Partner Breakfast on September 20 in Fiterman Hall conference center. Attendees participated in discussions focused on strategies designed to deepen college-community partnerships made possible by the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification. The breakfast provided an opportunity to learn and network with community partners to build stronger relationships and meaningful, measurable contributions to BMCC’s service-learning efforts.
Voter Participation Surges at BMCC
Voter participation at BMCC was up in last year's election, increasing to 24.8 percent in 2018 from a rate of 5.8 percent in 2014. This reflects an increase of 3,951 voters in 2018 as compared to 2014. The full campus report can be viewed here. This surge in voter turnout reflects not only a growing commitment to civic engagement on the BMCC campus, including robust voter registration efforts conducted by students, but a sense amongst students that their participation in the political process is an important way they can impact change on issues they care about, including immigration, gun violence, and more. BMCC’s campus report is part of the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement, or NSLVE, conducted by the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education (IDHE) at Tufts University’s Tisch College of Civic Life.
Pride Month Kicks Off with Luncheon featuring Deborah Glick
BMCC’s LGBTQ Pride Month kicks off with a luncheon 12 noon to 2 p.m., October 3, in Richard Harris Terrace. The event’s guest speaker is Deborah Glick, the first openly lesbian or gay member of the New York State Legislature. Pride Month events will include panel discussions, presentations, lectures and concluding with the Pride Ball, from 1 to 4 p.m., October 31, in the Richard Harris Terrace. For more information, contact Dean Michael Hutmaker, mhutmaker@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Announcements |
A Message From the Office of Campus Planning and Facilities
In an effort to improve customer service, the Office of Campus Planning and Facilities is pleased to report the Archibus Work Order system, in operation since summer 2019, has allowed campus departments to submit over 2,000 work orders in an efficient and productive manner.
The Archibus Work Order system allows a designated individual to submit work orders and track the progress and completion of the request. The Work Order system is the most effective way to alert the Buildings and Grounds team to any building deficiencies or operational improvements that you may have noticed or that are impacting your ability to perform your job at BMCC. A Work Order can be used to report all non-emergency building needs, from custodial services to a light bulb that needs replacement or building equipment that is not operating properly. To report an emergency, please continue to call (212) 220-8025, from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. After business hours, please call Public Safety at (212) 220-8080. To report hazardous conditions after 5:00 p.m., please call the engineer on duty at (212) 220-8034.
Please identify who in your department been designated as the Archibus Work Order liaison. If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to email our Buildings and Grounds team which is leading the implementation effort and managing the system. They can be reached at b&g@bmcc.cuny.edu, subject line: “Archibus Work Order System.”
Public Safety Office Posts 2019 Annual Security Report
BMCC/CUNY complies with the Clery Act. Copies of BMCC’s Annual Security Report, which includes security policies, procedures, important contact information and crime statistics, among other important information about the campus are available in the Security Office located at 199 Chambers St, Public Safety Office, Room S-211. The report is also available at this link.
Are You Interested in Hiring a Work-Study Student in Your Department?
At BMCC, many students are employed part-time through the Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program — and this funding has just increased. A work-study position helps students cover their educational expenses, as well as removing the time and commuting cost of an off-campus job. It also enables students to gain professional experience related to their field of interest. If your department is interested in hiring FWS students, please complete and return the FWS Rights & Responsibilities form. This is a great initiative that assists both the college community and our students. For more information, please contact Melissa Jardine, mjardine@bmcc.cuny.edu. |
Calling for Volunteers and Donations
Last academic year, we lost two beloved colleagues—Sadie Bragg, previously the Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Scott Anderson, Vice President for Administration and Finance. To commemorate their deep and passionate commitment to Borough of Manhattan Community College, we have established committees to raise funds to dedicate spaces on campus in their names. VP Marva Craig will lead the effort to name the Mathematics Lab in Sadie’s honor (building on funds already donated for this purpose), and Dean John Montanez will lead the effort to name a room in Fiterman in Scott’s honor. BMCC faculty and staff who wish to serve on these committees should contact VP Craig at mcraig@bmcc.cuny.edu or Ext. 8132; Dean Montanez at jmontanez@bmcc.cuny.edu or Ext. 8011. Deadline to sign up for committees is Sept. 30. Those who wish to donate to these efforts should contact the Development Office at (212) 220-8020. We look forward to the college community celebrating our colleagues and good friends with naming ceremonies. |
Free Digital Subscriptions: The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal
BMCC students, faculty and staff can click here for free digital access to The New York Times and here for free digital access to The Wall Street Journal. Please share with students, the value in reading newspapers, and encourage them to take advantage of these free services. |
Career Coach and Support Services Offer Opportunities to Explore Interests and Careers
BMCC is committed to students’ long-term success and helps students explore professional opportunities. The college offers Career Coach for salary and employment information, job postings and a self-discovery assessment to help students find their academic and career paths. Students can visit Career Express to make an appointment with an advisor, search for jobs or sign-up for professional development activities with the Center for Career Development. They can also visit the Office of Internships and Experiential Learning to gain real world experience in preparation for a four-year degree and beyond. |
All BMCC Employees Required to Complete E-SPARC by October 9
In compliance with New York State law, all full- and part-time CUNY employees are required to complete an annual online Employee Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (E-SPARC). If you have not already done so, log into CUNY Blackboard to complete the course by October 9, 2019. This applies to all BMCC employees regardless of whether you have attended an in-person training. Please make sure to disable pop-up blockers and use either Firefox or Google Chrome as your web browser when taking the training. For more information, contact Maria Deckinger, mdeckinger@bmcc.cuny.edu or Loriann Mazzola, lmazzola@bmcc.cuny.edu. |
Free Courses Available to BMCC Community
BMCC students, faculty and staff can access free courses through LinkedIn Learning, formerly known as Lynda.com. Through this online platform, industry experts provide courses on presentation skills, time management, QuickBooks for accountants, Adobe Creative Cloud and many other topics. For detailed instructions on how to sign in to LinkedIn Learning, contact Instructional Computer Services Manager Leticia Dinkins, (212) 220-1377, ldinkins@bmcc.cuny.edu. |
Free Mindfulness Meditation Service
The CUNY Office of Student Affairs has launched a partnership with The 10-Minute Mind, a free service that provides mindfulness meditation for students, faculty and staff. Research shows that taking a few minutes to pause, reflect and reset is an effective strategy to relieve stress, improve memory and provide other benefits. To try The 10-Minute Mind for a week, a month or the entire semester, click here. |
Faculty and Staff Now Have Access to Student CCTs
BMCC’s Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT) is a comprehensive official record of student’s participation and achievements outside of the classroom while enrolled at BMCC. These co-curricular activities foster students' holistic development, and encourage life-long learning and active citizenship. Faculty/Staff now have access to view students’ unofficial CCTs, review a list of current eligible activities as well as submit events/activities to be considered for placement on the CCT.
Learning Resource Center (LRC) Brings Out Students' Strengths
Faculty and staff, let your students know they can sign up to meet with an academic coach who will provide time management, note-taking and test-taking strategies. Students can also ask staff at the LRC, in Room S-510 at 199 Chambers Street, to connect them with a certified BMCC tutor, in person or online. Visit the LRC website for more information and events.
Plaza Reconstruction Project Update
As part of the Plaza Reconstruction project at BMCC, abatement of hazardous materials identified in the underlayment of the existing pavers will be performed during phases of the construction project. This activity, which began January 21, is regulated by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, which ensures the safe and proper removal and disposal of these materials. Abatement notifications posted on all building entrances are part of these requirements and are there to inform the occupants of these activities. The required notices are not meant to alarm building occupants, but to keep everyone informed that the work will be performed in a safe and regulated manner. We apologize for any inconvenience this construction may cause as we work to improve our facilities. For more information, contact Eric Lugo at elugo@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Bathroom Renovation Update: Phase 5
BMCC has undertaken a comprehensive 26-bathroom renovation project at the Chambers Street building. The project’s focus is to provide greater accessibility, ventilation and temperature control systems. Upgrades include new stalls, floors, fixtures, ceilings and lighting. Renovations have been completed in the north side bathrooms, and those in the south side will be finished in Fall 2019. BMCC has begun Phase 5 (final phase) of renovations, affecting the restrooms located on the far south end of 199 Chambers Street building, on all seven floors. For more information, contact Eric Lugo at elugo@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Data and Analytics |
Percentage of fall full-time freshmen in associate programs who earn 30 credits or more in the first year  Full-time Freshman Who Earn 30 or More Credits Increases
The percentage of fall full-time freshmen who earned 30 credits or more in the first year has increased to 11.9 percent for the fall 2017 cohort compared to 4.1 percent for the fall 2013 cohort. More information can be found on the BMCC Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics Facts and Statistics page by clicking on CUNY PMP 2018-19 Data Explorer.
Enrollment |
Winter & Spring 2020: Advisement Open, Registration Starts October 20
Students value the advice and support of BMCC faculty and staff. As trusted influencers, please encourage students to meet with their advisor to track their academic progress and set a plan for success. Things to know: All students must meet with their advisors before registering. Students can register on CUNYfirst or visit the Registrar’s Office in Room S-315. For more info, visit the Registration page, contact Academic Advisement in Room S-108 or call (212) 220-8315.
Admissions Fall 2019 Open House: Saturday, October 26
Do you have family member or friend who is interested in going to college? Invite them to the BMCC Admissions Open House on Saturday, October 26 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 199 Chambers Street, to learn about academic programs, financial aid options, student services, success programs and how/when to apply. For more information, contact the Admissions Office at (212) 220-1265.
Admissions and Financial Aid Info Sessions
Prospective students are invited to attend information sessions for an overview of BMCC and the admissions and financial aid process. They can also take part in a Q & A with admissions and financial aid specialists. For more information, check the Admissions website, or contact the Admissions Office at (212) 220-1265.
Say Hello to the Admissions Office on Social Media
We appreciate your likes, follows and thumbs up. Facebook: @bmccadmissions Twitter: @bmccadmissions Instagram: @bmccadmissions Snapchat:@explorebmcc
A Few Important Dates
September 30: No classes scheduled
October 1: No classes scheduled
October 7: Priority registration (36+ credits)
October 8-9: No classes scheduled
October 14: College closed
October 16: Classes follow Monday schedule
October 20: Regular registration (36- credits)
Making Headlines |
BMCC Professor Jill Strauss featured as a panelist at discussion on race and reconciliation
September 25—TapintoMontclair
DOE to contact 19,000 former 9/11 students about free medical care
September 22—New York Post
BMCC students talks about importance of Climate March
September 22—The 74
Former BMCC 9/11 students attend public outreach forum
September 20—The Chief Leader
BMCC professors present strategies for bringing more men into early childhood education
September 2019 — Young Children, naeyc.org
Human Resources |
Training Available to CUNY Faculty and Staff
The OHRM Professional Development and Learning Management Office, working in collaboration with CIS Training and through a partnership with Microsoft Learning Consultants is excited to announce a series of free trainings for Microsoft Office 365 for Education to CUNY faculty and staff. These live, WebEx trainings delivered throughout Fall 2019 will introduce users to MS Office 365. Specifically, they will cover the OneDrive, Teams and OneNote applications, useful tools for team collaboration, file sharing and storage, and managing individual projects. Users can attend and re-attend sessions almost every Wednesday through December 11, 2019. To register, click here and login with your CUNYfirst credentials. A confirmation will follow. If you have questions, please contact CISTraining@cuny.edu or University.Training@cuny.edu.
Free Help Available to Quit Smoking
CUNY employees and household members can enroll in the Employee Smoking Cessation Program (ESCAPE) for free, confidential counseling and smoking cessation medications. Download the NYC HelpMeQuit mobile app, another free resource. Learn more here. Call (347) 396-4403 to enroll. |
Deer Oaks EAP Offers Phone and Video Counseling
As part of BMCC's Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Deer Oaks offers organizational training, skills development, crisis management, wellness workshops and other services including video, structured telephonic and in-person counseling. Employees can schedule calls with a counselor in advance by calling (855) 492-3633 or emailing eap@deeroaks.com. |
Alumni and Donors |
Charitable Giving Through an IRA
Donors at least 70½ years old can take advantage of a simple way to satisfy minimum required distribution and benefit BMCC students at the same time. Donate up to $100,000 from an IRA directly to the BMCC Foundation without having to pay federal income taxes. Please contact Phillip Keefe, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, (212) 346-8650 or pkeefe@bmcc.cuny.edu for additional information.
Alumni Invited to Connect and Network
BMCC Alumni Affairs provides alumni benefits and services, as well as involving alumni in the advancement and support of BMCC. Alumni are invited to special events, profiled in BMCC publications and welcomed into the vibrant community that is BMCC. For more information, contact Yaritza Gonzalez, Manager of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund, (212) 346-8455 or ygonzalez@bmcc.cuny.edu |
Make a Difference in Students’ Lives: Faculty and Staff Campaign
The faculty and staff of BMCC support our students in countless ways, every single day. That support includes contributing to the BMCC Foundation Scholarship Fund. Your support of the Faculty and Staff Campaign makes a significant difference in our students’ lives. There are three easy ways to give: Make a donation online.
- Text your donation to BMCC at (646) 876-2622.
- Send your check, payable to the BMCC Foundation, via interoffice mail to the Office of College Development, F-1330. (Please note, you can designate your donation to your department).
Calendar |
Workshop and Clinic on NYS Dream Act
September 30
Year Up Information Session
October 2
Study Abroad Information Session
October 2
Panther Pride |
Elhadji Ady Gaye Earns CUNYAC Men's Soccer Athlete of the Week
Men's Soccer Shuts Out Rockland Community College at Home Saturday, 9-0
Panthers Blank Orange County Community College at Home on Thursday, 10-0
Women's Soccer Upcoming Games
Sept. 28: BMCC vs. Kingsborough Community College (Kingsborough Athletics Field)
Oct. 1: BMCC vs. Monroe College, Bronx Campus (NYC, Pier 40)
Oct. 8: BMCC vs. Fashion Institute of Technology (NYC, Pier 40)
Men's Soccer Upcoming Games
Sept. 28: BMCC vs. Kingsborough Community College (Kingsborough Athletics Field)
Oct. 3: BMCC vs. Dutchess Community College (Poughkeepsie, Lourdes Field)
Oct. 5: BMCC vs. Westchester Community College (Valhalla, New York)
Connect with BMCC |
@BMCC is produced and published by the Office of Public Affairs.
Faculty and staff: Submit items for consideration in an upcoming @BMCC to publicaffairs@bmcc.cuny.edu by 12 noon, Wednesday. |
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Office of Public Affairs
245 Greenwich Street
(212) 346-8501