News |
To the BMCC Community:
It is with deep sadness that we mourn the lives of 12 innocent people who were fatally shot by a lone gunman last night at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California. These slain individuals included students from nearby colleges and universities attending a “college night” celebration.
We all struggle to comprehend this senseless act of violence as well as the alarming frequency of such incidents. As an institution of higher education, we have a collective responsibility to engage in civil discourse and through our thoughts, words and actions to make the world a better, more peaceful place.
BMCC is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all—an environment in which everyone can thrive. As our heartfelt condolences go to the victims and their families, we gain strength from our sense of community, and from caring for one another. Thank you for your contributions and commitment to making BMCC the very best college it can be.

Karrin E. Wilks
Interim President
Borough of Manhattan Community College
|  Karrin E. Wilks |
BMCC Mourns Loss of Former Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
BMCC has lost one of its long-time community members. Sadie Bragg, who served as Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at BMCC till her retirement in 2014, passed away on October 31 at Harlem Hospital, New York, N.Y. Dr. Bragg served under five BMCC presidents, and her longest tenure was with Antonio Pérez, president of BMCC from 1995 to August 2018. |
 Higher Education Leader Kay McClenney Engages BMCC Community in Dialogue on Student Equity and Pathways Initiative
On November 7 and 8 in the BMCC Fiterman Conference Center, higher education leader Kay McClenney presented emerging findings from the Guided Pathways 2.0 national initiative of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). McClenney shared data on factors including the inflated number of credits that community college students accrue on a “wandering” path to their degree. As a member of Guided Pathways 2.0, and as part of its Designing for Success college-wide initiative, BMCC has joined efforts to prevent that waste of time, money and effort—all of which impacts the equity and upward mobility of low-income and minority students seeking a degree and viable career. The well-attended events included a discussion with BMCC faculty, staff and students.
BMCC Stages 14, a Free Play That Opens Dialogue on Undocumented Immigration
The Department of Speech, Communications and Theatre Arts, Office of Academic Affairs and BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center (BMCC TPAC), with support from the BMCC Foundation, will present José Casas' play, 14 on November 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. The play is directed by Professor Daphnie Sicre. Each performance is open to the public and will be held at BMCC in Theater 2, 199 Chambers Street. Each performance is free and will be followed by a talk-back session with the director, playwright and others.
Sociology Professor to Discuss Wearable Biotechnology at Significant Findings Series
The BMCC Office of Academic Affairs will present the second in its speaker series Significant Findings on November 8 at 7 p.m. featuring Sociology Professor Elizabeth Wissinger. She will present findings from her research that focuses on the social impact of wearable biotechnology. The event is free and open to the public. |
Faculty Group Exhibition Opens
Faculty artists who teach in the Art Foundations Program of the Music and Art Department at BMCC are featured in a group exhibition, In Form, which opened with a reception on November 8 at the Shirley Fiterman Art Center (SFAC), 81 Barclay Street in lower Manhattan. The exhibit will be on display through December 15.
BMCC Team Advances to Semi-Finals at Fed Reserve Bank Competition
Members of the BMCC Finance & Banking Club have advanced to the regional semi-final round of the College Fed Challenge competition, set for November 14 at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Teams of students from New York, Connecticut and New Jersey colleges and universities compete by making 15-minute presentations to a panel of judges consisting of academics and professional economists. The BMCC student team includes; economics major, Charles Reid; business administration majors Kimberly Plata and Mateja Tokic; financial management majors Celia Nightingale and Ambar Peralta, and business management/CIS major Jason Guan. Faculty advisors to the club are Business Management Professors Ioannis Tournas and Julian Schroeder.
 Language Learning, Culture and SocialJustice Explored at Student Symposium
As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, the BMCC Modern Languages Student Symposium, Other Languages, Other Knowledges, was held November 7 at 199 Chambers Street and featured panels including “The Journey of Learning a Language,” “Multilingual Homes,” “The Power of Language: Fighting for Social Justice,” “Breaking Barriers Through Language” and “Language and Creativity.” The keynote speaker was International Latino Book Award and BRIO Award winner Peggy Robles-Alvarado. |
Announcements |
Global Entrepreneurship Week: Ask the Entrepreneur November 12
The BMCC Small Business/Entrepreneurship program will host an "Ask the Entrepreneur" panel discussion at BMCC Express, 255 Greenwich Street, on Novermber 12 at 12 p.m. For more information about the guest panelists and ways to watch online, visit the events web page.

Join a Charrette and Let Your Views Be Part of the Conversation!
This semester the Equity and Inclusion Task Force will conduct a series of charrettes (focus groups) exploring faculty, staff and student perceptions about the extent to which BMCC is a welcoming, inclusive and equity-minded environment. All BMCC community members are invited to participate in one of these 45-minute sessions, which will take the form of charrettes, allowing for maximum participation in idea generation, without compromising the quality of the brainstorming. Click here to sign up. For more information, please contact Peter Hoontis, (212) 220-8218. For scheduling questions, contact Erika Carlson, (212) 776-6338.
Learn about BMCC's Study Abroad Program
The BMCC Office of Internships and Experiential Learning is hosting a panel, Go Global, Gain Experience Abroad, where BMCC students and alumni will share their experiences interning and studying abroad. The event begins at 12 p.m., November 14 at BMCC Express, 255 Greenwich Street. For more information contact experience@bmcc.cuny.edu.
November is Hispanic Heritage Month at BMCC BMCC will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month throughout the month of November. Events include a display of Hispanic authors in the A. Philip Randolph Library, a workshop for immigrant students, poetry, film, a performance by Bombazo Dance Company and the Hispanic Literary Film Festival.
Discounts at Modells and Other Vendors Available to BMCC Community
BMCC faculty, staff and students receive discounts on goods and services from food to car rentals, at businesses including Best Buy, Apple, Enterprise Car Rental, Barnes and Noble and more.
Center for Ethnic Studies Invites Applications for Seminar: Deadline December 3
Full- or part-time faculty and staff—especially those in the Arts and STEM—are invited to submit an application now through December 3 at 5 p.m. to take part in a seminar series, Balancing the Curriculum Across Race, Gender, Class, Ethnicity, Sexuality, set for February 13, March 13, April 10 and May 8. Twelve to 15 participants will be selected to discuss poetry, fiction, history and critical analysis. All participants will receive copies of the books discussed, and faculty will receive a $500 stipend. For more information, contact Professors Kirsten Cole, kcole@bmcc.cuny.edu; Patricia Mathews, pmathews@bmcc.cuny.edu or Soniya Munshi, smunshi@bmcc.cuny.edu.
BMCC Celebrates Grant Recipients
BMCC will celebrate grant-funded research led by faculty members with a reception on November 29 at 5 p.m. in the Shirley Fiterman Art Center. BMCC's professors serve as experts in a variety of fields and their work is reflected in a wide range of research projects. This free event is hosted by the Office of Academic Affairs and open to the BMCC Community. For more information call (212) 220-8320.
BMCC Employee Appreciation Awards: Nominations Open
Show your appreciation for colleagues or staff members who demonstrate outstanding achievement, performance and creative contributions through their role at BMCC—beyond what is normally expected of employees. Submit no more than one nomination for each of the following
categories: Leadership, Inspiration, Innovation/Technology, Rookie of the Year and Team Achievement. |
Public Safety offers Active Shooter Tabletop Training
The Public Safety Department is inviting the BMCC community or department designees to participate in an Active Shooter Tabletop Training. This training will help the campus community work in conjunction with Public Safety in the event of an armed intruder. The training will be held on November 14 from 10 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. in room S-341 at 199 Chambers St. Please RSVP to tdesmond@bmcc.cuny.edu at extension 7082 by November 12th. |
Enrollment |
 Spring 2019 Registration Now Open
Please encourage students to continue on their path to success and register for Spring 2019. Things to know: All students must meet with their advisors before registering. Students can register on CUNYfirst or visit the Registrar’s Office, Room S-315 at 199 Chambers Street. For more information, visit the Registration page, contact Academic Advisement in Room S-108 at 199 Chambers Street or call (212) 220-8315.
Admissions and Financial Aid Info Sessions
Prospective students are invited to attend information sessions for an overview of BMCC and the admissions and financial aid process. They can also take part in a Q & A with admissions and financial aid specialists. For more information, contact the Admissions Office, (212) 220-1265.
Say Hello to the Admissions Office on Social Media
The BMCC Admissions Office launched three new social media accounts. Stop by online and say hi! We appreciate your likes, follows and thumbs up.
Facebook: @bmccadmissions
Twitter: @bmccadmissions
Instagram: @bmccadmissions
Making Headlines |
BMCC theatre department's mainstage production of 14 featured November 5—Broadway World
CUNY professors advocate for fair pay for adjunct professors
October 29—The Chief
Human Resources |
Health Benefits Transfer Period Extended to November 16
Now through November 16, employees may transfer into any health plan for which they are eligible, add or drop the Optional Rider and add or drop dependents. Changes will take effect the first day of the first full payroll period in January 2019. Contact Human Resources for the appropriate forms. Visit the New York City Office of Labor Relations, Health Benefits Website for plan summaries. For more information, contact BMCC Benefits Manager Diana Lopez, (212) 220-8318.
Flexible Spending Account Enrollment Extended to November 16
The City of New York offers its employees a Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Program, through which they can deposit a portion of their pre-tax income into accounts maintained for certain health and dependent care expenses. The FSA open enrollment period ends November 16, for an effective date of January 1, 2019. Forms are available on the OLR website. For more information, contact the NYC Office of Labor Relations.
Protect Yourself in the Digitally Connected Workplace
Learn best practices for cybersecurity at work. Protect yourself with alerts, tips and resources from @DHSgov @USCERT_gov and the OUCH! newsletter. For more information, contact BMCC’s Information Security Manager, Barry Williams, bwilliams@bmcc.cuny.edu.
Enhance Your Skills Through CUNY Professional Development
The CUNY Professional Development and Learning Management (PDLM) Office presents the October 2018 through June 2019 CUNY Professional Development Program. BMCC faculty and staff can take part in professional and training sessions in areas ranging from MS Excel to data analytics, conflict resolution, business writing and many others. Certificate programs are also available. View catalogue and sign up now.
Alumni and Donors |
 BMCC Alumni Business Leaders on Campus
Students and faculty filled the Fiterman Hall Conference Center for the second annual BMCC Business Management Department Business Leaders on Campus program on November 7. The event featured a panel discussion with BMCC alumnus Robert Jimenez, a structured oil trader at Merrill Lynch, and Jose Alejandro Quiroz, a senior associate at UBS. The discussion was led by Business Management Professors Julian Schroeder and Christian De Rojas. Some advice the panelists shared: "Never underestimate the power of networking" and “In finance, never assume anything."
Alumni Invited to Connect and Network
BMCC Alumni Affairs provides alumni benefits and services, as well as involving alumni in the advancement and support of BMCC. Alumni are invited to special events, profiled in BMCC publications and welcomed into the vibrant community that is BMCC. For more information, contact Yaritza Gonzalez, Manager of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund, (212) 346-8455 or ygonzalez@bmcc.cuny.edu |
Make a Difference in Students’ Lives: Faculty and Staff Campaign
The faculty and staff of BMCC support our students in countless ways, every single day. That support includes contributing to the BMCC Foundation Scholarship Fund. Your support of the Faculty and Staff Campaign makes a significant difference in our students’ lives. There are three easy ways to give:
- Make a donation online.
- Text your donation to BMCC at (646) 876-2622.
- Send your check, payable to the BMCC Foundation, via interoffice mail to the Office of College Development, F-1330. (Please note, you can designate your donation to your department).
Calendar |
Immigration Crisis: Doing the work, healing our community, and sustaining our well-being
November 8
Learning Academy Information Session
November 9
Continuing Education Open House
November 13
Panther Pride |
CUNYAC Community College Men's Basketball Report - Week 1
Panthers Sweep the Competition at 2018 BMCC Tip Off Classic
Women's Basketball
Nov. 12: BMCC vs. Rowan College of Gloucester County (Sewell, N.J.)
Men's Basketball
Nov. 12: BMCC vs. Rowan College of Gloucester County (Sewell, N.J.)
Nov. 13: BMCC vs. ASA College, Manhattan (BMCC gymnasium)
Connect with BMCC |
@BMCC is produced and published by the Office of Public Affairs.
Faculty and staff: Submit items for consideration in an upcoming @BMCC to publicaffairs@bmcc.cuny.edu by 12 noon, Wednesday. |
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Office of Public Affairs
245 Greenwich Street